Saturday, January 22, 2011

Andai saya jadi penguasa tertinggi di Indonesia

Andai saya menjadi penguasa tertinggi di negeri yang katanya (menurut saya bukan katanya, tetapi memang seharusnya) "gema ripah loh jinawi" ini, saya hanya akan melakukan 3 hal tapi dengan teramat sungguh-sungguh bukan ngomong doang, yaitu:

1) Pemberantasan korupsi dan penegakan hukum.

2) Pembangunan infra struktur yang memadai di seluruh wilayah Indonesia.

3) Perubahan mendasar moral seluruh pegawai negeri dan aparat pemerintahan dari mentalitas "majikan" menjadi mentalitas "pelayan".

Untuk hal-hal lain di luar ketiga hal di atas saya gak perlu ngurusin, karena saya hakul yakin kalau ketiga hal di atas dilaksanakan dengan baik, hal-hal lain akan berjalan dengan sendirinya secara baik pula dan dimana swasta dapat lebih berperan.

Jadi waktu, pikiran dan energi saya akan saya fokuskan kepada ketiga hal di atas. Hal-hal lain biar diurus oleh menteri-menteri saya dengan memperbesar partisipasi rekan-rekan dari swasta.

Pilih saya jadi presiden 2014-2019, maka ketiga hal di atas akan jadi kenyataan, bukan lagi hanya sekedar mimpi seperti yang selama ini terjadi. Tapi siapa yang mau milih saya ya? Emange nyong sapa?

"What will it profit a man to gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"

Year 2010 Economic growth and Inflation rate

- year 2010 economic growth was 10.3%,
- while inflation rate was only 3.3%.
Inflation was much below its economic growth, but even this has made China government busy with a series of concrete action to curb inflation and a little bit cool down its economy.

- year 2010 economic growth was 6%,
- year 2010 inflation rate was 6.96%.
Inflation was 0.96% higher than economic growth, yet government plans to raise fuel price and might also electricity tariff?

Friday, January 7, 2011

Beware of the next economic crash - which is a big collapse

The big problem was stemmed from US.
A few months end of 2008 the world's news were dominated by Sub Prime Mortgage issue which was actually stemmed from and happened in US. However, it quickly spread all over the world as a result of its vast exposures to many banks and financial institutions in many other countries, which bought debts related to the sub prime mortgage, with expectation of getting some "cuan" but finally ending with big losses.
Many big names in the US (AIG, Morgan Stanley, Lehman Brothers, General Motors, Ford, etc.) plunged into financial difficulties and some even declared bankrupt in their effort to avoid their obligations. The Fed and US treasury were "pusing seven round" and arrived in a decision to bail out ("menalangi") the debts. Was it success? My answer is "NO". We see after 2 years the US economic is still not recovered yet. Unemployment rate is still high close to 10%. In a country where economic is heavily supported by the spending of its people, the jobless data is very important. In his frustration the Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke introducing the so called "Quantitative Easing" by buying US government's bond & obligations in order to stimuli the economy by adding a substantial liquidity to the market. This QE is made simply with newly printed green-buck (without any increment in the Fed's Gold reserve to back up the money?). I think this is a biggest bet in history the Fed has ever made, with the US nothing to lose position. Why? USD is still the world's major currency which is still well accepted all over the world. Till now there is no other single currency which can take over the place of the USD. All countries in the world keep the green-buck as their foreign reserve. So if US has to go bankrupt (which is in fact I think it has been bankrupt technically), so would many other countries. US knows this, that the world can't afford the US bankruptcy.
The problem with QE is there will be excessive liquidity in the market which will affect not only the US but also the world especially emerging markets (Asia). This would make economy bubbling which eventually collapse.

China could be another problem.
With its double digit economic growth China is running up its staircase dangerously fast ("Menaiki anak tangga dengan cepat bahaya ya?"). If China can't control its inflation amid its high growth its economy would make a hard landing from a bubbling condition. As "anything want-to-eat" country, a sudden change in China economy will affect the world's economy seriously. Economic would face a sudden contraction as demand for all commodities would be suddenly dip.

The next economic collapse (which is very close) will be more likely triggered by the US rather than by China. China is now making its serious effort to curb inflation.

So how we are all related to all of the above?
Prepare yourselves to protect your assets. How?
Buy GOLD and/or SILVER.
Why Gold/Silver?
Their prices will surge tremendously by the time economic is collapsing.
The Fed or any central bank in the world can print money (which is in fact a merely paper if not supported by gold reserve), That is human's money. However, no body can print Gold/Silver. These two are in fact "God's money"
FYI, China central bank is gradually reducing its position in USD by buying gold. So China is also trying hard to reduce its exposure to the risky USD.

I prefer Silver to Gold, because:
Gold is only used as jewelry particularly by Indian people and recently by the Chinese, besides its traditional role as central banks' reserve.
Silver, other than used as jewelry, it is also used by many industries from mirror, photography, electric/electronic, medical to fuel cell, etc. which is due to its unique properties which is not replaceable by any other materials in most of its applications.
In the last 14 years the production of silver is less than its consumption. The shortage is made from the existing stocks which is depleted.
The price of silver is still undervalued so much as compared to gold. It should be around 1/16, which is now still about 1/47 the price of gold.
However, either silver or gold you choose, they would still make your asset undiluted (even becomes higher) over the time even in normal time (no economic collapse).

Gold and silver prices have been advanced so much in recent years.
Now there is some correction to their prices as a result of better jobless rate data (9.7%) and other US economic indicators, which is actually cosmetical (as a result of over liquidity created by the Fed). Soon their prices will go up again. If crude oil price surges, gold and silver will rise.

See just a little better economic data of the US, the USD rise so much against other currencies. Investors start to increase their position in USD. But a big jump in Indonesia macro economic data doesn't really mean anything to rupiah. "Woow ... rupiah oh rupiah, nasibmu selalu merana".

BI dikatakan selalu mengawal rupiah. Rupiah gak boleh menguat, takut menghambat ekspor. Inilah kebijakan yang amburadul. Daya saing ekspor harusnya dibuat dengan cara menciptakan low cost economy dengan menghilangkan berbagai pungutan yang gak jelas, dengan mentalitas pegawai negeri yang melayani publik seperti di Singapura, bukan dengan memelihara rupiah tetap murah. Pantes aja nilainya merosot terus, sampai jadi kebanyakkan nolnya sehingga bikin repot semua dan sekarang ribut-ribut mau di-redenominasi?

Tahun 1975 Yuan 1 = Rp 80 (sekarang Yuan 1 = Rp 1500).
Tahun 1996 USD 1 = Rp 2200 (sekarang USD 1 = Rp 9000).
Tahun 1996 SGD 1 = Rp 1400 (sekarang SGD 1 = Rp 7000).

wuala mak...

Disclaimer: The above is my personal opinion and not an invitation to purchase/invest in anything. The author bears no liabilities to any losses and accept no claim whatsoever from the use of those information/opinion.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Seven Deadly Sins

Pride is excessive belief in one's own abilities, that interferes with the individual's recognition of the grace of God. It has been called the sin from which all others arise. Pride is also known as Vanity. Envy is the desire for others' traits, status, abilities, or situation. Gluttony is an inordinate desire to consume more than that which one requires. Lust is an inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body. Anger is manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury. It is also known as Wrath. Greed is the desire for material wealth or gain, ignoring the realm of the spiritual. It is also called Avarice or Covetousness. Sloth is the avoidance of physical or spiritual work.

Catatan: Lust termasuk apabila melakukan hubungan sex hanya untuk memenuhi nafsu dan kenikmatan tubuh semata, sekalipun dilakukan oleh pasutri sah (di dalam naungan lembaga pernikahan). Apalagi mereka yang melakukan kawin sirih, sudah jelas tujuannya bukan?

"What will it profit a man to gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"