Friday, July 13, 2007

Creative Personality

What are the psychological attributes of the creator? Researchers who look at creativity from personality perspective have identified a number of attributes. First, the creator displays a genuine passion for what he is doing. Second, because of his passion, the creator is willing to expend a lot of time and energy to realize his goals. Third, he has a high tolerance of ambiguity, i.e., he can live with a lot of uncertainties during the whole creative problem-solving process. Fourth, he is willing to take calculated risks in the task. Fifth, the creator is attracted to deep and complex ideas, and has broad rather than narrow interests in life. Sixth, he is an open person, i.e., he is willing to seek out and undergo different experiences. Finally, the creator is very confident in what he is doing, and behaves with a lot of independence and autonomy as a person.

Being open to his experience in this world, having broad interests in life and being attracted to deep and complex ideas enable the creator to develop and make use of complex mental models to solve problems in the real world. However, as far as creative work is concerned, these complex mental models are not sufficient by themselves. This is eventually must be translated into concrete action. In the process, the creator will encounter a lot of obstacles to the unconventional solution which he proposes. To overcome these obstacles, the creator needs to be passionate and committed to his work, to take calculated risks, as well as to persevere in the face of severe obstacles. The going will get especially tough when the creator faces social resistance of his community. In such a situation, the creator needs to display great autonomy, independence and confidence in what he is doing; otherwise he will succumb to the pressure to conform to his community.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.